MSPO 2018 – 4-7 September 2018

[draft]  ETRONIKA at 26th International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO 2018 in Kielce, Poland. [todo: translate] Pierwszy tydzień września przedstawiciele firmy ETRONIKA tradycyjnie spędzają w Kielcach. W dniach od 4 do 7 września odbył się bowiem Międzynarodowy Salon Przemysłu Obronnego 2018, czyli największa w Polsce i jedna z trzech największych na świecie impreza, podczas której wszystkie […]

French Department of Defence, MSPO 2018

Thermal sights UCT-1S and UCT-1AM (Etronika – Poland) The Polish company Etronika presented several new optical devices including UCT-1S and UCT-1AM. Choice of optical parameters is based on the selected weapon and especially the length of the Picatinny rail. The UCT-1AM sight with 1× magnification is a thermal adapter, that is mounted on the Picatinny […]

RAPORT MSPO 4/2018, New products from Etronika

Etronika presents several new products in Kielce, including the MCT-1 sight, as well as the GOSK long-range optoelectronic head. One of the known devices is the UCT-1 (universal thermal sight). The sight provides observation during the day and at night, also in conditions of visibility limited by fog or smoke. Etronika produces whole family of […]